To produce the drawings on our storyboard, members of the group sat in the positions needed to see how it would look. We cut out the center of a piece of paper and held it up to those in the positions in order to see clearly what would be in frame. To decide on a duration we stepped out what the characters would do and timed how long it took. An aspect of the story boarding that we found difficult was ensuring the aspects of our drawings were to scale, and an accurate representation of what would actually be seen.
The edited film
This is the edited video for our preliminary task. One thing
that I feel went well was the match on action when opening the locker and
getting the folder out as I felt that it ran smoothly. I also liked the areal
shot at the end as I felt it was an appropriate way to end the film with a
simple fade out transition. I was happy with the continuity of our filming
however when the locker is closed I noticed an issue that the other character
is missing from her chair behind. Another issue we found was at the beginning
of filming, trying to find a location with very little background noise. Finally
I think that we could have experimented with non-diegetic music/sounds added in post.
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