Setting up
There was little to set up on set as our props had been made or sourced before filming. Also as we were in public all our props and equipment needed to be carried round with us and only put out when we were doing the scene.
Scene 1: Coffee spill
The scotch guard took a while to dry so as we waited we went over the scene to ensure we got the most out of our take as possible. We estimated at what position they two needed to collide and how far the water would travel.
Scene 2: Traffic Light
An issue arose as we shot this as the natural light was affecting the technique more than anticipated.
Scene 3: Graffiti
We shot this scene first so we were able to remove the fake graffiti straight away. The only issue we found doing this was that the wind carried away the dry shampoo so it spread more than anticipated, this was okay though because in the end the name was still clear and stood out.
Scene 4: Enter Car Park
We were originally going to use the main entrance however upon reflection we decided that it would be safer if we used the bicycle entrance. This worked well as there was low foot traffic so we were mostly uninterrupted.
Scene 5: Run through car park
Something that we took very seriously in this scene was ensuring everyone's safety. We were very careful when shooting this scene, posting one person at the end of the car park to warn of cars so we would immediately stop filming.
Scene 6: Level Door
After moving the camera about we found a good postition to reduce the glare on the sign so we are able to see it clearly as she runs through.
Scene 7: Lift
We trialed multiple endings and chose one to cut her off before the camera pans up to her face.