Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Shooting Day 2: Tunbridge Wells

Setting up
There was little to set up on set as our props had been made or sourced before filming. Also as we were in public all our props and equipment needed to be carried round with us and only put out when we were doing the scene.

Scene 1: Coffee spill
The scotch guard took a while to dry so as we waited we went over the scene to ensure we got the most out of our take as possible. We estimated at what position they two needed to collide and how far the water would travel.

Scene 2: Traffic Light
An issue arose as we shot this as the natural light was affecting the technique more than anticipated.

Scene 3: Graffiti
We shot this scene first so we were able to remove the fake graffiti straight away. The only issue we found doing this was that the wind carried away the dry shampoo so it spread more than anticipated, this was okay though because in the end the name was still clear and stood out.

Scene 4: Enter Car Park
We were originally going to use the main entrance however upon reflection we decided that it would be safer if we used the bicycle entrance. This worked well as there was low foot traffic so we were mostly uninterrupted.

Scene 5: Run through car park
Something that we took very seriously in this scene was ensuring everyone's safety. We were very careful when shooting this scene, posting one person at the end of the car park to warn of cars so we would immediately stop filming.

Scene 6: Level Door
After moving the camera about we found a good postition to reduce the glare on the sign so we are able to see it clearly as she runs through.

Scene 7: Lift
We trialed multiple endings and chose one to cut her off before the camera pans up to her face.

Shooting Day 1: House

Setting up
This went quite smoothly and to plan as we had almost everything prepared by the time our actress arrived. We spent  time organizing the desk however, we aimed for it to look like a more natural mess so much of it was done randomly such as spreading out the wotsits and the scribbles on the notepad. We also had to remove many of the rooms original features such as the bed spread and posters as they were childish and did not fit the mise en scene.

Scene 1: Desk
An immediate issue that arose was that the auto focus on the camera was not fast enough for the shot we wished to take. In the scene we had planned we zoomed in and out over credits we had integrated into the set. After many attempts we made the decision to switch to the spare camera we had bought which had a much faster zoom. This worked well however had a slight orange tinge meaning we had to spend some time in the settings reducing this.

Scene 2: Exit room
One important thing to consider when we filmed this scene was ensuring that the two angles matched up as she was walking out of the room and down to the stairs. 

Scene 3: Down stairs
This went well and the zoom on the frame looked good.

Scene 4: Leave house
The swoosh as she leaves the house took some time to perfect but looked smooth and will be easy to replicate in the second location.


  • Maddie
  • Sarah Jane
  • Celine
  • Emma
To Do
  • Head shot
  • 30 second clip of the actress standing (fact file)
  • Interview (questions)
  • Act out the final scene
  • What experience do you have in acting?
  • Describe yourself in three words?
  • What do you think makes you stand out from the other applicants?
  • Are you comfortable with being on film?
  • Do you have any other loyalties that would prohibit you from focusing on our film?
  • Would you be comfortable following our instructions and directions? 

Friday, 3 March 2017


This is the first draft of our opening sequence. After reviewing this we have made the decision to add an extra scene at the end to further solidify the gaming/ hacker aesthetic.