Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Shooting Day 1: House

Setting up
This went quite smoothly and to plan as we had almost everything prepared by the time our actress arrived. We spent  time organizing the desk however, we aimed for it to look like a more natural mess so much of it was done randomly such as spreading out the wotsits and the scribbles on the notepad. We also had to remove many of the rooms original features such as the bed spread and posters as they were childish and did not fit the mise en scene.

Scene 1: Desk
An immediate issue that arose was that the auto focus on the camera was not fast enough for the shot we wished to take. In the scene we had planned we zoomed in and out over credits we had integrated into the set. After many attempts we made the decision to switch to the spare camera we had bought which had a much faster zoom. This worked well however had a slight orange tinge meaning we had to spend some time in the settings reducing this.

Scene 2: Exit room
One important thing to consider when we filmed this scene was ensuring that the two angles matched up as she was walking out of the room and down to the stairs. 

Scene 3: Down stairs
This went well and the zoom on the frame looked good.

Scene 4: Leave house
The swoosh as she leaves the house took some time to perfect but looked smooth and will be easy to replicate in the second location.

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