Saturday, 21 January 2017

Risk Assessment

Reducing the risk
Slipping due to rain and/or getting wet from the rain
High Impact - Injuries could occur on the actors and they could also get cold which would not be good
Make sure footwear is appropriate with a suitable sole. Also, try to film on a day when it is not predicted to rain.
Have warm clothing off set and try to change the date of filming if the weather conditions are not suitable.
Allergies to make-up and clothing
Low Impact - It is easy to avoid any serious risks
Before filming ask the actors whether they are allergic and do small tests on the actor’s arms.
Use different make-up and clothing. If there is a problem, then contact parents and if serious contact first aiders.
Camera and/or equipment breaks
High Impact - If broken, a new camera will need to be bought.
Low Impact - The camera battery may run out.
Handle all equipment with care and make sure batteries are fully charged.
Bring a spare camera with just in case and/or an extra battery.
High Impact - Injury could occur to the actors.
Make sure the actors footwear is suitable and when running make sure to be sensible.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
High Impact - When on roads and crossing them actors and cameraman could get hit by a car. Also, when sliding over car injury could occur.
Make sure to be sensible and when on roads make sure more than one person is there for extra eyes.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Cameraman stepped on when filming
Low Impact - Easy to avoid
Make sure cameraman is not in the way and actors know where to run
If an injury occurs, contact parents and/or a first aider.
Walking Public
Medium Impact - The public may be in the way when shooting and an actor may accidently run into a person from the public.
Try to film on a day when it is less busy and try to use spaces which are clear.
If a certain scene cannot be filmed at that point film something else and come back.
Cameraman could fall off skateboard
Low Impact - The cameraman could fall off the skateboard when filming and could get an injury.
Be mindful and aware of what the cameraman must do and when filming make sure people are nearby to help.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Lift might close on actress
Low Impact – Unlikely to happen and the doors are automated to open if something is in the way.
Make sure to be careful and sensible.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Lift might break
Low Impact – The likelihood of it happening is not likely.
Make sure to check the lift is safe before using and make sure to be safe with people nearby.
Call for help if needed and if an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Cameraman may trip over props in room
High Impact – Injury could occur to the cameraman and the equipment.
Make sure to be careful and safe and to have people near the cameraman in case of injury.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider. And if equipment is damaged buy new equipment.
Small Space in bedroom
Low Impact – Unlikely for anything bad to happen but people inside could become claustrophobic and panic
Make sure to have a clear exit route of the room.
Leave the room if any panic occurs and contact parents.
Spill Milk
Medium Impact – Could stain table and break computer.
Make sure to be careful when filming nearby and don’t use too quick motions.
Clean up immediately.
Could break props
Low Impact – Some of the props used could be broken when being stepped on.
Be careful where you stand and do not run around.
Buy new props if needed.
Cameraman could fall off the stepladder
High Impact – Cameraman could injure themselves, and equipment could be broken.
Be careful and sensible.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider. And if equipment breaks buy new equipment.
Actor slip in water
Medium Impact – When the water is spilled over near the actor they could fall over,
Be careful and sensible and make sure to be careful when running.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Low Impact – The cars in the car park and in the road, may hit someone.
Make sure to look when crossing a road and being careful where we are filming.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
Actor could trip over laces
High Impact – Easy to occur and injury will occur to the actor.
Be careful and make sure laces are tied well before running.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.
High Impact – The cameramen and actor could fall down the stairs, and injure themselves.
Be careful when filming and running down stairs.
If an injury occurs, contact parents and a first aider.

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