Saturday, 21 January 2017

Risk Assesment

Reducing the risk
Slipping due to rain and/or getting wet from the rain
High Impact - Injuries could occur on the actors and they could also get cold which would not be good
Make sure footwear is appropriate with a suitable sole. Also try to film on a day when it is not predicted to rain.
Have warm clothing off set and try to change the date of filming if the weather conditions are not suitable.
Allergies to make-up and clothing
Low Impact - It is easy to avoid any serious risks
Before filming ask the actors whether they are allergic and do small tests on the actors arms.
Use different make-up and clothing. If there is a problem then contact parents and if serious contact first aiders.
Camera and/or equipment breaks
High Impact - If broken, a new camera will need to be bought.
Low Impact - The camera battery may run out.
Handle all equipment with care and make sure batteries are fully charged.
Bring a spare camera with just in case and/or an extra battery.
Falling into lake
High Impact - It could cause injury and the actor could get too cold.
Make sure to stay away from the edge of the lake and make sure to move sensibly.
Have warm clothing nearby and make sure if medical attention is needed then contact parents and first aider.
Low Impact - Cameraman could walk into a tree and so cause harm to themselves or the equipment.
Make sure to have people near to the cameraman and make sure that there are people nearby to stop from happening.
Make sure if an injuries occur parents are contacted an first aider is nearby.
Falling from bush
Low Impact - Could get a small injury and the sticks could cause injury.
Make sure to be careful when the actors are playing the scene.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
High Impact - Injury could occur to the actors.
Make sure the actors footwear is suitable and when running make sure to be sensible.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
High Impact - When on roads and crossing them actors and cameraman could get hit by a car. Also when sliding over car injury could occur.
Make sure to be sensible and when on roads make sure more than one person is there for extra eyes.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
Low Impact - The drone could lose battery and fall down onto someone.
Make sure the battery is fully charged, and try to do it on a day with little public nearby.
If an injury occurs contact a first aider.
Cameraman stepped on when filming
Low Impact - Easy to avoid
Make sure cameraman is not in the way and actors know where to run
If an injury occurs contact parents and/or a first aider.
Running into boulder
Low Impact - The actor could be injured if hit by boulder hard.
Make sure actors are carful and aware of what they have to do.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
Walking Public
Medium Impact - The public may be in the way when shooting and an actor may accidently run into a person from the public.
Try to film on a day when it is less busy and try to use spaces which are clear.
If a certain scene cannot be filmed at that point film something else and come back.
Cameraman could fall off skateboard
Low Impact - The cameraman could fall off the skateboard when filming and could get an injury.
Be mindful and aware of what the cameraman has to do and when filming make sure people are nearby to help.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
High Impact - When inside the trolley the actor could be injured and when trolley tips harm could also occur.
Be careful when actor pushes trolley and have people nearby in case help is needed.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.
Trolley down ramp
High Impact - The trolley could lose control and so when going down ramp injury could occur.
Have a mat at the end so if control was lost no harm would occur and make sure lots of people are nearby to help if its needed.
If an injury occurs contact parents and a first aider.

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